
Showing posts from September, 2009

Eating Healthy while Breast feeding

Your milk quality will not suffer from poor eating habits, but your own health is sure to suffer...So, Eat Well!! for your own good. As your child gets older, she will pick up on your eating habits... So, Dad's and mom's maintain a healthy menu and junk food moderation, right from the start!! Drink Plenty of Water : It is most important to stay hydrated while breast feeding your LO. Your body needs tremendous amount of water during lactation. Symptoms of dehydration are : Irritability, loss of energy and focus. Follow the Food Pyramid : 6 servings of Whole Grains 2 servings of Fruit 3 servings of Vegetables 2 servings of Milk Products 2 servings of Meats 1 serving of Fats and Sweets What to avoid? Certain foods pass into your breast milk and may cause allergic reactions in your baby... for e.g. fussiness, rash, diarrhea, vomiting or refusal to nurse... Common problem causing foods to keep a check on are : Caffine -- Chocolate -- Citrus fruits -- Dairy Product...

Breast-feeding OR Formula and member feedback

Benefits of Breast-feeding: >For baby: > Builds a strong immune system. Protects against allergies, ear infections and illnesses during the first year. > B-milk is easy to digest, rarely causes constipation and is filled with nutrients. > B-milk is the prefect food, it changes in consistency based on the baby's needs. The first flow is called Colostrum, which is thick and full of nutrients. > B-milk is naturally formulated for a baby's diet and promotes normal weight gain. >For Mom: > B-feeding causes the uterus to contract and return to its pre-pregnancy size more quickly. > B-feeding can reduce stress levels and help you feel happier. > B-feeding heals your body and builds up your immune system. Problems faced during Breast Feeding: > Stimulate your breasts before feeding sessions - massage the breasts. > After baby is done feeding - use a pump to empty out the breast - that way more milk will be produced. > S...