Organizing Around The Home!

Oh yeah its almost like taking an OATH!

Once you have kids and a job, keep life, home, corners of the home, rooms, pantry/kitchen, closet organized is a Task that we have to take an Oath to get done... or soon its a Big Mess :(

-Soon to Come-  Links to some of my favorite organizing blogs, websites and tools.

I have been following OMF's blog and on facebook at OMF- fb. Pinterest fans go here.
She is my absolute favorite and is totally doable.
October is my favorite month of the year, with fall colors, pumpkins, crisp apples and apple-cider, halloween candy and cleaning up for the holidays.

This is my first year of following Becky from OMF and I'm excited as I am one of them who voted for 31 days of Spontaneous Organizing

Day 1 - An Intro to Spontaneous Organizing
Day 2 - Clean 1 dresser drawer - Check
Day 3 - Sock and Underwear Drawer - Check
Day 4 - Closet Long Hangers
Day 5 - Closet - Short hangers
Day 6 - Closet Shelves
Day 7 - Shoes
            We've got a rack for each of us. kiddo gets one shelf. yes there are days when our front entry looks like a shoe sale. But a shout out of arrange it Now or it gets tossed out the door... couple of minutes later - everything's in place :)
Day 8 - Night Stand/Bedside Table
            Suit your needs. Hubby side has a night lamp and frame. while my side has drawers for magazines, books, lip balm, vicks, hairbands that come off, phone charger. I like the idea of the colorful paper at the bottom with dollar store bins.
Day 9 - Fridge Doors
            If the kids and family see things organized they automatically will follow your lead.
Day 10 - Fridge Shelves
Day 11 - Fridge Drawers
              Since we have this one located right at our 4yr old's height-level, it mostly has his stuff. Yogurt, cheese, salami, juice, fruit cups.
One drawer for Veggies and one for Fruit... gets wiped and restocked every 1-2 weeks.
For produce that is best stored in the refrigerator, remember the following guidelines.
Keep produce in perforated plastic bags in the produce drawer of the refrigerator. (To perforate bags, punch holes in the bag with a sharp object, spacing them about as far apart as the holes you see in supermarket apple bags.)
Keep fruits and vegetables separate, in different drawers, because ethylene can build up in the fridge, causing spoilage.
When storing herbs (and interestingly, asparagus, too), snip off the ends, store upright in a glass of water (like flowers in a vase) and cover with a plastic bag. Courtesy:

Day 12 - Freezer
              Mine gets done next weekend - since it needs the fridge off and end of season type of cleaning.
Day 13 - Linen closet
              I have been following this method of folding the fit sheet for a while now and love it. Used to leave it in a bundle before :P
I have our towels and guest towels folded and stacked.
Sheet sets get stored along with their pillow covers.
All single sheets - for summer time or guest use go into another stack.
Comforters stay in their own bags. I am planning on using Vaccum space saver bags for them. Sleeping bags are in the extra closet.
Day 14 - Purse or Diaper Bag
              I have an organizer that I found in the "seen it on TV" section. I've been using it for a year now and absolutely love it.
Similar product for sale @ ebay for $0.99 + shipping.
Mutifunction insert at ebay for 1.99+ shipping
OR another similar choice.
Day 15 - Bathroom- Medicine Cabinet
              Some have it in their bathroom, others in their kitchen. Where-ever it is, today is the day to go through those medications.
Get rid of the expired ones.
Get rid of the old ones. (flush to dispose off appropriately)
We have regularly used ones in a drawer.
Additional medications in a box with lid under the sink.
If you have curious little beings in your home, make sure this cabinet/drawer is out of reach or has a child safety latch on it.


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