Ideal Tips to follow.. Advice from a Doctor on IHM

Its up to you and your beliefs to follow it or not but these are the ideal things to follow. I followed them...

1. Babies till 5months don't need anything other than Breast milk.
If you have enough milk to give its the best thing for baby.
It gives baby nutrition and immunity. Formula doesn't give immunity.

2. You can start formula once a day to make baby aware of its taste by 4 months.
 Also, if u have enough milk, introduce a bottle. You can use breast pump to increase your milk quantity.

3. Continue formula till 1 year. Start Whole milk only at Age 1.

4. Babies do not need water at all till you start babies on solids. Your supply of breast-milk alters itself to provide the required nourishment for your baby. Best indication of good hydration is 6-8 wet diapers or bowel movements per day.

5. For Gas...The trouble resolves once baby becomes 4-5 months old. Nothing helps much till that time. You can give mylicon. If at all you want to give gripe water check that there is no alcohol in it. Some Indian prep has alcohol in it.(Dee- From India I bought Carmicide for infants. In USA, you can get Little Tummies Gripe Water)

6. While starting solids by 5-6 months start with rice. May be rice cereals from US or our home made cooked rice-water(paze or kunji). Try it for 7 days. Give filtered/boiled water after solids.

7. Anytime adding new solids give 2-3 ml on first for the allergy...give it for 7 days and then introduce new food item. So that you can figure out allergic tendency of the baby.

8. Avoid egg white till age 1. Boiled egg yolk maybe introduced at 10months.

9. If baby refuses any food keep on trying after a gap of  7-8 days. Eventually baby will accept it. Don't give up, even if its been 10 trials... try at different times of the day, in varied forms of foods.

10. Remember baby's digestive system is very immature, so it needs to be HANDLED WITH CARE

11. Any sign of bloating, diarrhea, restlessness, watery stool may be sign of allergy to that particular  food. If you notice it after starting any new food stop giving it immediately and consult your doctor. Nothing will happen if you stop 1 food till doctors consultation. But if you continue to give it despite may have serious troubles.

12. NO HONEY TILL 2 YR OF AGE. It can paralyse your baby lifelong called as infant botulism.

13. NO COW'S MILK until age 1. Many kids develop lactose intolerance.



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