Colds and Toddlers

How should I treat my toddler's cold?

No medicine will make a virus go away faster, but you can help your toddler feel better and prevent the infection from getting worse by making sure he gets plenty of rest and liquids. Since most children don't master nose blowing until about age 4, here are a few ways to help ease his congestion:
  • It's not worth struggling over, but if your toddler tolerates it, tip his head back and squeeze over-the-counter saline (salt water) drops into his nostrils to loosen up the mucus. Then suction out the liquid and mucus a few minutes later with a rubber bulb syringe. Apply petroleum jelly to the outside of your toddler's nostrils to reduce irritation. (Don't use nasal sprays on your child unless his doctor says it's okay. They may work temporarily but can cause a rebound effect in which the congestion gets worse with continued use.)
  • Use a humidifier or a cool-mist vaporizer to moisten the air in his room. Or take your toddler into the bathroom with you, turn on the hot water, close the door, and sit in the steamy room for about 15 minutes. A warm bath can accomplish the same thing.
  • Elevate the head of your toddler's mattress by placing a couple of towels between the head of the mattress and the crib springs. Sleeping at a slight incline may help relieve his postnasal drip, but don't overdo it. If your toddler is a restless sleeper, he could end up flipping around so his feet are higher than his head, defeating the purpose of the elevation. (Never use pillows to prop up your toddler as they could suffocate him. And don't put anything under the legs of the crib because that could make it unstable.)

Is it okay to give my toddler over-the-counter cold medicine?

Most experts say no. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises doctors to tell their patients that OTC cough and cold medicines aren’t effective in children younger than 6, and can sometimes have dangerous side effects. You may want to ask your child’s doctor what she suggests.
Keep in mind that cough and cold medications won’t shorten the course of your child’s cold or prevent further complications such as such as ear infections or sinus infections.

If your toddler is feverish and uncomfortable, you may want to give him acetaminophen or ibuprofen, making sure to give him the correct dose for his age and weight. 
Never give your child aspirin as it makes him more susceptible to Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal disease.

When should I call the doctor?

Call the doctor if your toddler's fever reaches 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Also call if:
  • your toddler takes a turn for the worse instead of starting to improve after five to seven days, or if his cold symptoms last for more than 14 days.
  • his cough worsens and he's wheezing or gasping. These symptoms could be a sign of pneumonia, asthma, or respiratory syncytial virus, a relatively common but potentially serious respiratory illness.
  • he pulls or rubs his ear. This could be a sign of an ear infection.
  • he acts especially tired or listless.



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