hospital packing bag

My mum arrived from India to support and help me for my delivery and post partum. She'd been in a road accident and lived through it only by the grace of God. After being hospitalized thrice in 2013.... in  little over a month from her last hospitalization Mum traveled all the way to the USA to come take care of her baby (me) and my baby. She's a blessing, My Rock, My all !!!

She arrived... the first two days we rushed around buying a warm clothes to survive our brutal winter... and crazy brutal is was indeed with history being made... most snow received since 1884... and more. Day 4-5 after her arrival, I got an urge to clean the house and pack my hospital bag. This is the list i referred to Hospital Packing List on Parents dot com. The next day we watched a birthing video, drove back to the library to return it.
And Woah! the day after that, low and behold... my water broke at 7am (3 weeks before my EDD) and I was rushed to the hospital, where my LO was born.

From the extensive list...and What you really Need....

Camera or Video Recorder

You'll want to immortalize every moment of those first few hours with your new baby. Don't forget the chargers, and confirm that your hospital allows video cameras.
The Nurse took some quick shots and I never really got a decent pic for my album... so write down the poses you want clicked in your birth plan, so that your partner can follow through.

Cash and Change

Bring at least $20 in cash and change for snacks, gift-store runs, and any of your miscellaneous cravings or whims.
Totally needed, cause you never know how long your labor is going to last. Pack Drinks and Snacks for hubby/partner.

Cell Phone and Charger

Be sure your partner has a cell phone when you head to the hospital. He can call friends and family to update them on your progress—and announce the big news when your baby arrives.
MOST IMPORTANT item according to me. But STOP!! enjoy those first moments with your baby and with your baby's daddy... those precious first moments will soon fade into a memory.... just lay down and relax. Announcing the news can Wait for a couple more hours.

Extra Bag or Two

With all the goodies from the hospital—diapers, blankets, and creams—and all the gifts from well wishers, you're bound to have a lot more luggage coming out than you did going in.
Yes!! We took an expandable overnight bag and an empty backpack so that hubby could have his hands free.

Family Photos

Bring pictures of your older kids to the hospital to help you stay focused during labor. And seeing their photos by the bed will let your older kids know you love and miss them (which could help head off any jealousy).
This just made me more emotional so i didn't bring any pics of older brother. My 4yo older boy, stayed home with my Mum and i didn't speak with either of them the entire time.


Bring flip-flops for the shower or to wear home if your feet are too swollen to fit into regular shoes.
Please pack Slipper socks or flip flops.. you'll be thankful u did so.

Hair Care Products

Clips and barrettes—and a brush and comb—will help keep your hair out of your face during labor (and ensure that you look fab in those first photos with your new baby).
Yes Yes Yes...

Homecoming Outfit for Baby

Skip the sleep sack and tight-fitting outfits. Instead, pack a kimono-style shirt, with footed pants so you don't have to bring socks. Bring a receiving blanket and hat (a heavy, warm one in the winter and a thinner cotton one in the summer).
I hadn't thought of this at all... until Mom came and picked one out for the baby. My first one was 3wks early too... and we hadnt done any shopping yet...and we didnt know the gender of the baby...Was glad we got something this time.

Homecoming Outfit for You

A clean, loose-fitting outfit will best suit your still-round belly and make your trip home as comfortable as possible.
hahaha... most mom's forget about themselves... I was gonna return home in the clothes i wore to go to the hospital... But was surely happy to take a nice looking top, to make a colorful coming home snap :)

Important Documents

Bring copies of your birth plan (if you have one), a picture ID, health insurance information, and hospital registration forms. Even if you've already registered at the hospital, some hospitals need to confirm your records before they can admit you.
We had already registered at the hospital. and I  had been to the triage before. So all i needed was the photo ID and insurance ID.

Manicure Tools

Your newborn may have long nails from the beginning. Stash a pair of rounded fingernail scissors or a mini emery board from the baby's toiletry kit in your bag.
A pair of mittens worked just fine... I doubt anyone would wanna start trimming nails of a newborn.

Memory Book

Take a journal for your baby so you can jot down notes and questions for the doctor. You can even ask the nurses to stamp your baby's footprints when they're preparing the birth certificate.
I had the book.. but it got left behind at home. The Nurses gave us a certificate with baby's first foot prints and that was just fine.

Music, Movies, and Magazines

A personal DVD player, iPod, and a good book can help district you—and your partner—from the pains and waiting of labor.
We were too tired and exhausted for any of this.

Nursing Supplies

Bring breast pads to absorb leaks, lanolin cream, nursing tank tops and bras (buy them at the end of your pregnancy—most women are about that same size postpartum), a breast pump (most hospitals provide one but you may want to start out using your own), cooling gel pads, and a nursing pillow.
Everything above was helpful. the only things i didn't have were the cooling gel pads and nursing pillow.

Personal Contact List

With all the excitement, it can be easy to forget to inform someone really important about your big news. Draw up a list of people your husband should call, text, or email after your baby is born.
I wouldnt bring this list to the hospital. But do make a list of the people that need to be informed... and keep it at home. If you are one of those who post milestones on social networks... then you may not need this.

Relaxation Tools

A homemade hot pack (a sock filled with rice or beans) can bring you instant relief during active labor because they mold to your body—and they can easily be warmed up in the hospital's microwave. Other items to pack include: back massager, stress-relieving squeeze ball, and massage oil or lotion.
I didn't need any of these... but if you already have them and use them otherwise.... carry it along.

Sleepwear, Robe and Underwear

A cotton nightie will be much more comfortable than a hospital gown. A robe will be handy for when you want to take walks. Several pairs of undies are a must (briefs, maternity, or disposables like Depends) if you don't want to wear the mesh underwear the hospital gives you after delivery.
I pretty much stayed in the hospital gown and underwear/pad provided by the hospital.

Slippers and/or Heavy Socks

Keep your toes toasty and clean, whether you're in bed or strolling around on the cold tile floor. Bring a pair that's easily laundered, as they may get a bit dirty.
Just take socks that you'd be willing to trash incase the got to dirty.

Snacks and Candy

Keep everyone happy by bringing enough snacks for you and your partner to share. Lollipops are especially great for conquering dry mouth during labor.
lozenges, jello, clear liquids White grape juice, apple juice for self.  Fruits, snack bars, chips, candy. 

Soft Pillow

The pillows in the hospitals may be uncomfortable, and bringing one you're familiar with may help you to relax. Don't forget one for your partner, too, especially if he's planning on spending the night.
I did pack extra pillows and a comforter for hubby, but they just stayed in the trunk of the car... we didnt quite need them.

Takeout Menus

Hospital food isn't the greatest, and some local restaurants will deliver. Your partner can also call ahead to pick up food and bring it back to you.
this would be essential for your partner to fill up.


Deodorant, body wash, shampoo, face wash, lip balm, sanitary pads, and moisturizer are necessities. Witch Hazel pads can help relieve soreness after you give birth.
All of these were pretty much provided by the hospital and i didnt need any of what i packed.

Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Bring some for you and your mate, so everyone has bright smiles for your first photos together. Gum or mints can make do in a pinch—and may be allowed to help you deal with dry mouth during labor.
Makes a big difference after you have your first shower and brush your teeth. the hospital was nice enough to provide us with these amenities.


Make sure one of you has a watch with a second hand, so your partner can time your contractions and give you a heads up when the next one's near.
Most labor rooms have a clock to track these.

White-Noise Machine

Run a white-noise machine in your room to drown out all the jarring sounds of the hospital, so you and your baby can get some much-needed rest.
Hospital rooms are equipped with these... But we did have one of our own. which I still use at home during the night.


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