Our very first Meals on Wheels Experience

Thanks to our growing up children and especially J's school that encourages the children to do for and give back to our community.
With the Book exchange/sale, it was a project within our community. As for the community as a whole, we decided to deliver meals to senior citizens via the Meals on Wheels program of the Newark Senior Center, DE.

We promptly picked up meals at half past 10 and since we were new, we were given an easy route.
From carrying out the lunches to our car... J's journey began with following directions to the patron's address.... walking down to the front door, knocking ever so gently or "bang on door" were instructions on some of the front doors.  It was wonderful to say "Here's your lunch!!" and we got plenty of smiles and blessings on the way.

Something that we would definitely consider doing again... Coz J was totally elated by the experience. 
If interested... Call Stephanie at the Newark Senior Center, DE.


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