Quick and simple ways on how to raise a happy child!

Parenting is sure a mammoth task, as it is necessary to instill good values in your child since an early age. It is necessary for parents to motive their kids, build their self-esteemand make them realise that no matter what, your love and care will always be there with them. If a child is raised in such a manner, he will never suffer from outer world insecurities and will be able to stay away from bad habits.

Here's how to raise a happy baby regardless of the parenting style you choose:
1. You need not define your parenting style: One cannot raise a child just by following a guidebook, so first thing you must know is that you do not need to follow a particular rule. Discuss with your partner and come to an agreement on how you wish to raise your child. You and your partner need to support each other in parenting style instead of opposing each other at every stage.

2. Take advice carefully: People who are experienced in parenting give you loads of advise on the dos’ and don’ts of raising a child. But since you are the one who's given birth to your child, you also have the right to decide which advice you need to take seriously and what to ignore. Freely ask them questions if you are not clear about something. 

3. Trust your motherly instincts: It is important for a mother to believe in owns instincts. You should do what you feel is right for you and your baby. As long as you are doing what is best for your child, you are doing the right thing.

4. Love and care is what matters: You can automatically feed your child with love and care when you give your baby unconditional love. Spend time with your toddler, share jokes and knowledge, express yourself and let him also do the same. Remember, your baby is your first priority and needs your due care and attention.

Courtesy: www.Bolegaindia.com


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