Teach your child how to... Then, Let go!!

10 Tasks that kids should learn to do by themselves

1. Avoid helicopter tendencies
I have an almost 4 year old. and though we've taught him to do stuff for himself, there are times where I find myself 'hovering' over/near him to check if he's doing it correctly and then I end up offering to do it. and he of course takes full advantage of it. It is so important to Let go at the right time and trust that they'll do a good job.

2. Build Self confidence
Unless we let go of our kids and give them the opportunity to do it for them self; only then they gain the confidence of what they are capable of achieving.

3. Take responsibility of clothes
I can proudly say my 4yo puts away his dirty clothes, helps load the laundry, pour the soap with supervision, load the dryer, sorts while I fold. He does know what goes where... but I am more paranoid about folding them a certain way ;). He picks his own clothes on most days.

4. Care for Toys
Start at an early age. Give each toy a designated space. Having bins to sorts the different types of toys really helps children. My little boys loves putting his stuff away and Dad makes sure it gets done everynight, with some exceptions of course. :) It is also important to be strict about indoor toys v/s outdoor toys. bedtime toys v/s playtime toys. And over the years, nothing has gotten replaced. Broken or lost... once it gone, its gone.. and its OK.

5. Care for a Pet
He occasionally likes to walk our neighbors little dog. But, we.. ah yes I am not ready to have a pet of our own just yet.

6. Set Bedtime
Routine!! Kids Need Routine. It keep their minds and bodies functioning as it should. From getting home, play/activity, dinner, bath, reading, milk, brushing, bedtime reading, prayers and lights out!! Avoid change in the routine unless its very very necessary. Also, the before bedtime bath/reading/cuddleup time calms them down, relaxes their minds v/s having the kids watch TV or play video games.

7. Eat responsibly
My sweet to-be 4 yo it my best helper ever. (on most days) Loves to chop. (has a designated butter knife that he can use) To snipp (has his own scissors) Peal, Crack, Mix, Knead dough, make a sandwich, measure grains/pasta, pours, stir, season. Its amazing to watch how much they are capable of, if only you let them get involved.
Also, the more he helps during food prep, the higher the chances of him eating that dinner willingly and with pride that he cooked it himself.

8. Clean up
He has been going to day care since age 1. Clean up is the #1 activity. Its is great to watch him spray and wipe down stuff. He can't wait to get big enough to be able to vacuum. Get eco-friendly products or make cleaning products with kitchen items. also, make sure to lock harsh cleaning supplies away from your child's reach.

9. Fight their battles
It is so very important to let kids handle this on their own. Guide them. Teach them right from wrong. Teach them house rules. Family values. and that some families do it differently or your school may do it differently but This is what we follow. Most kids listen and will follow what parents say. Some have a mind of their own,Oh yeah! but repetition helps children remember. Dont step into their affairs, let them handle the sharing, taking turns, and more. This also helps in building self confidence.

10. Strike a balance
Follow your gut on Meeting their needs v/s fulfilling their wants.

Courtesy: Original article at Education.com


  1. These tips are really useful. All my kids toys are all over the place at night and I have to go all over the house collecting them and putting at one place but now on I'm going to try out some of your tips. Thankyou.


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