The Lowland... listening to the CD Recording

14May2015 It was from a time before we had children that my husband and I indulged in listening to CD recordings of Books. A completely different experience from actually having to read the book. No additional concentration towards keeping up with the lines, the print, the pronunciation...rather sitting back, listening, understanding, relating and reliving the book. Getting transported within the story or connecting the scenes to our own lives.
Many years have passed and we'd almost forgotten what it meant to just Listen.
A dear friend, suggested The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri. Its a book she's read as part of her Book Club and is hosting their meeting. In search of wanting to cook an Indian Meal she turned to me for Menu options.

The book though not set in my hometown, reminds me so much of home. The setting, the family traditions, the rituals, similar to what most Indian families grow up with. The older child - seemingly the one responsible for the family; obedient and obliging in every way possible. The younger child more rebellious, wild mannered, free-spirited yet always sheltered and babied by the parents.
Not even a third into the book...a death and turn of events... every chapter unfolding  just as anticipated yet in an expected way.

21May2015 Now at about half way through... I sit to think.. Whats next? Where the story lead? This should be it. Really what more can this story unfold?

Slow paced yet captivating... Still reading..Ah listening. Loving how my husband and I have something to discuss, something that's increased our span of communication which we'd lost somewhere between child#2 coming along and getting #1 to fit our new lives into his world. 

....and Parenting Beyond
Find a hobby, an activity, a TV show that you enjoy as a couple and Talk about it after....
Always remembering to Laugh!!
If life throws you lemons... Go make Lemonade!!

12Jun2015As I come to the end of the book, in my opinion all mothers  must read this book. A mother is the best person in her child's life and all that you are doing Is the Best!! and your Child will always Love you. Take time to talk to them, play with them, read and laugh. You are your Child's world.
G from the book never seemed to have gotten out of her grieving for her first husband and hence was never able to fully love and accept her child. Children are God's gift to us LOVE LOVE and LOVE them always. 


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