Pregnancy Meal Plan - Part 1
The pyramid divides food into six groups. Here's a quick look at those groups and how many servings a day from each group you should aim for: • Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta (6-11 servings a day): Choose whole grain varieties like whole-wheat bread or unprocessed brown rice over white whenever possible; they contain the most fiber, vitamins, and nutrients. • Fruit (2-4 servings a day): Vary the color of the fruit you eat and choose fresh over canned — most prepackaged varieties are preserved in sugary liquid. Bonus: The fiber in fruit will help you head off constipation and hemorrhoids — two common pregnancy symptoms. • Vegetables (3-5 servings a day): As with fruit, fresh is best for fiber, folate, and other important vitamins. Broccoli, for example, is packed with folate, calcium, and B vitamins — all essential nutrients for your growing baby. • Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts (2-3 servings a day): Choose lean meats and eat fish sparingly (some variet...