Easy Exercises 2 Ease your Aches and boost your Mood!!!

Shoulder Straightener:
Squeeze your shoulder blades together, while sitting or standing and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat this a few times during the day.
The new curves that you body is taking on, makes you hunch forward. This move realigns your posture and stretches your chest and back muscles.

Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold a chair. With you weight on your heels, slowly lower your body as if sitting, pausing at knee level. Squeeze your glutes and thighs to come up. Repeat 10 times, thrice a day.
This helps to prepare your muscles during labor.

Contract your pelvic muscles (as if stopping yourself from peeing), hold for 5 seconds, then release. Repeat 10times, thrice a day.
This strengthens the pelvic muscles and helps prevent leaking pee.

Baby Hugs:
Pull in your abs as if to "Hug" your baby, hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Do not hold your breath. Repeat this a few times daily.
This helps to tighten muscles around the uterus that stretch and weaken as the baby grows.


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