Gassiness and Heartburn
Bloating and Gas are a part of every Pregnancy.
For some it may be short-lived while for other it may linger through the entire nine months.
As the system that processes your food, slow down - Gas production steps up.
Gas production does not harm you or your baby physically, but to try to dimish the discomfort and beat the Bloat... you can...
>> Take it Slow. A slow digestive system calls for slow eating.
Sit down at every meal. Chew your food well. Try not to gulp.
>> Avoid the Overload. Eat smaller meals. Eat more frequently to avoid the feeling of Hunger.
>> Keep moving. Not only physically - by taking walks. But keep your insides moving - by not getting constipated.
>> Fiber overload. Excessive amount of high-fiber foods also cause gas.
>> Foods to Avoid. Avoid foods that are associated with flatulence: Beans, Onions, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, green peppers and fatty/oily/fried foods. Avoid Carbonated drinks/sodas.
Substitutes: Instead of... ... Try this
Baked beans for protein cooked couscous
Broccoli for Vit.A 1/2 cup chopped Mango or Cantaloupe
Green Pepper for Vit.C 6-8 strawberries or cooked Asparagus
Potato Chips soy chips, baked taco or potato chips, bagel chips
Fried chicken fingers poached/grilled chicken breasts
For some it may be short-lived while for other it may linger through the entire nine months.
As the system that processes your food, slow down - Gas production steps up.
Gas production does not harm you or your baby physically, but to try to dimish the discomfort and beat the Bloat... you can...
>> Take it Slow. A slow digestive system calls for slow eating.
Sit down at every meal. Chew your food well. Try not to gulp.
>> Avoid the Overload. Eat smaller meals. Eat more frequently to avoid the feeling of Hunger.
>> Keep moving. Not only physically - by taking walks. But keep your insides moving - by not getting constipated.
>> Fiber overload. Excessive amount of high-fiber foods also cause gas.
>> Foods to Avoid. Avoid foods that are associated with flatulence: Beans, Onions, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, green peppers and fatty/oily/fried foods. Avoid Carbonated drinks/sodas.
Substitutes: Instead of... ... Try this
Baked beans for protein cooked couscous
Broccoli for Vit.A 1/2 cup chopped Mango or Cantaloupe
Green Pepper for Vit.C 6-8 strawberries or cooked Asparagus
Potato Chips soy chips, baked taco or potato chips, bagel chips
Fried chicken fingers poached/grilled chicken breasts
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