Feedback on Diapers/Diaper Genie/Rash Cream
DEE - Pampers Sensitive Rocks..... For size N and 1 ... ur baby is so delicate and Pampers is so soft and wonderful. I've used Pampers Swaddlers until month 8... Size 2-3. Then switched over to Cruisers. At 11 months, I started using Luvs... its economical and works well when my DS is teething, as he got diarrhea for every tooth that popped out.
Mallika Suresh
Diapers --
>Initially Pampers
>After 6 months, Huggies.
>After 1year, Sam's Brand - Members Mark Diapers
Wipes --
>Later started using Members Mark

>HUGGIES the best
>You can get it frm COSTCO,Sam's club or BJs (more economical to buy in bulk.
>Pampers unscented wipes is good. Also, wash your baby's privates once in a day.
>Huggies wipes are thicker and more absorbent - better to clean baby poop.
Bhavna Patel-Bhatt
>Pamper Swaddlers N is good for the first 1 week - until cord falls off.
>Huggies are thick and gave rashes. I recommend Pampers Sensitive wipes.
>Later when my son was 7-8 months or so I switched to kirkland (costco) wipes...those are good too
>I just bought two feeding tops from
>You can find some on as well not too expensive.
>Pampers unscented wipes is good for newborns. Wash the area too, at least once a day.
>Huggies wipes are slightly thicker... good to clean poop.
>Almost every baby loose 10 to 15% weight after birth. so i advise you to buy N size diaper pack (84 diapers). then buy 1 size.
>In starting baby poops alot and you have to change diaper frequently to avoid rashes.
baby needs to change diapers almost every 3 hrs in starting and after that in every 5-6 hrs.
Shweta P
>For newborn i would suggest to avoid wipes as far as possible.
>Either u can use wet cotton balls in warm water or i got paper towels from hosptal tht were very very soft, as the skin is very delicate i was asked to do so.
>i started using wipes when my baby was abt 15 days ...i use huggies with aloe
Visa Sriram
>I used cotton balls dipped in warm water for the first couple of months and then switched to unscented wipes.
>I would suggest u to buy size N diapers initially. Judge it by ur babys weight from ur ultrasound results.
>For me, I bought big box of N before Shriya is born, but she was only 4 lbs 12 oz at birth, so got to use Preemie P-S for a month and just recently switched to N diapers. So better to buy N first.
>my baby was 6 lbs 12 ounces and he needed newborn diapers for at least two weeks and two weeks means at least 140 diapers as they poop every feed because their digestive system is not yet set up so everything just quickly passes through them.
>We didn't like (understatement) the parent's choice newborn AT ALL... please buy pampers swaddlers newborn and you and the baby will be very happy with it without rashes!
>Also do keep desitin on hand as frequent diaper changes do give them some rash!
>i wont suggest you to buy lot of N size of baby was little over 7 lb and she grew out of it within 10 days
>I am using Target brand diapers for my 8 month old daughter. I really loved those..very soft, no leaking problems whatsoever.
>My daughter had allgy with huggies and pampers and the target brand diaper suited her really well!
>I prefer Pampers to Huggies. Pampers new born is really very nice. Other recommended brands - Costco brand Kirkland.
>Diaper champ - does not need special bags; use regular garbage bags.
>Just use the regular trash can - kept it in the balcony - dispose it daily.
>I use Diaper Champ - no issues - regular plastic bags
>The IMO Diaper Genie - lil' espensive when u consider cost of refill bags.
Namita K
>Diaper Champ
>Didn't have one for first kid. Wish i had one this time... house is full of diapers with two kids in hand.

>I think buying diapers from Samsclub/Costco/BJ's will be cheaper compared to buying frm
>I always buy it frm a club store. i have tried their private brand also & they r equally gud as Pampers/Huggies.
>A+D is a gud diaper rash cream..also Balmex is a gud cream..but I personally feel coconut oil is best for rashes.
>One more thing, don't use powder in the diaper area, esp for girl child.
Shewta - For newborn - use wet cotton balls in warm water or i got paper towels from hospital. I started using wipes when my baby was about 15 days - Huggies with aloe.
DEE - For babies upto 6months... Do not use fragrance wipes...
Pampers Sensitive wipes or Thick care... I used them for my DS from day 1... and still using them until year 1...and onwards.
DEE - For babies upto 6months... Do not use fragrance wipes...
Pampers Sensitive wipes or Thick care... I used them for my DS from day 1... and still using them until year 1...and onwards.
Hi everyone.. Thanks for your inputs.. Its a great effort..
ReplyDeleteCan I request for information on cloth diapers.. any advice from moms who would have used them or plan to use them
Cloth Diapers - I got the Gerber brand cloth diapers from Walmart.. It is really good.. but everytime its wet my LO gets up.. very often and loosing his sleep. i tried it during day time... but not advisable during night time.