Signs of labor

A woman is in 'labor' when she experiences uterine contractions, thinning and dilation of the cervix. This takes place in the final stage of the third trimester. The distinct signs of labor are:

Ø Lightening or the positioning of the fetus into the pelvis region.
Ø Discharge of pink or slightly bloody mucus and the mucus plug.
Ø Defined and regular contractions of the cervix, in a wave-like motion, accompanied by cramps.
Ø Breaking of water surrounding the baby or the weeping of amniotic fluid.
Ø Dilation and thinning of the cervix.

It is important to differentiate between 'true' and 'false' labor pains. The Braxton Hicks contractions or 'false' labor pains might occur in second or third trimester. These are irregular cramps that might be uncomfortable or painful.

'True' labor is characterized by contractions at regular intervals that keep getting more frequent, despite movement or position change. The most defined sign of 'true' labor is the movement of cervix dilations or contractions from the lower back to the front of the abdomen. Ideally, when the contractions are observed less than 5 minutes apart, it is the essential to seek medical assistance.


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