Whats my Estimated Due Date - EDD?
During your first ultra-sound the ob/gyn would let you know your EDD. The earlier you find out your EDD, the more accurate it is, compared to if you find it out later in your pregnancy. EDD keeps on changing during your pregnancy.
== By Pushpanjali
this is how its calculated..u started counting from the 1st day of u'r last period....n then so on keep adding weeks..so 1 week after 1st day of u'r LMP is ..1 week.
weeks to trimesters is like..by the end of
4th week-1stmonth
8thweek-2nd month
13th week-3rd month(i.e 12thweek+1week)--1st trimester ends..
so for each trimester...in the last month..1 extra week is added
....this is how i found in a site..n my gyneac also explained d same...
17th week-4th month
21st week-5th month
26th week-6th month-------2nd trimester ends
& then the EDD is ..3 trimesters+1 week..==40th week
30thweek-7th month
34thweek-8th month
39thweek-9th month----3rd trimester ends
In India, it is calculated as per months. 9months + 9 days from lmp (last menstrual period)
During your first ultra-sound the ob/gyn would let you know your EDD. The earlier you find out your EDD, the more accurate it is, compared to if you find it out later in your pregnancy. EDD keeps on changing during your pregnancy.
== By Pushpanjali
this is how its calculated..u started counting from the 1st day of u'r last period....n then so on keep adding weeks..so 1 week after 1st day of u'r LMP is ..1 week.
weeks to trimesters is like..by the end of
4th week-1stmonth
8thweek-2nd month
13th week-3rd month(i.e 12thweek+1week)--1st trimester ends..
so for each trimester...in the last month..1 extra week is added
17th week-4th month
21st week-5th month
26th week-6th month-------2nd trimester ends
& then the EDD is ..3 trimesters+1 week..==40th week
30thweek-7th month
34thweek-8th month
39thweek-9th month----3rd trimester ends
In India, it is calculated as per months. 9months + 9 days from lmp (last menstrual period)
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